Options Process

At The Hemel Hempstead School, we recognise the importance of decisions students make throughout their school careers on their future success and happiness.  Therefore, we believe it imperative that we provide you with the information and guidance required to enable students to make informed option choices at this crucial time in their education. Without doubt, the decision-making process involved is both exciting and challenging and something that will not only impact students’ lives in Years 10 and 11 but will affect the opportunities open to our young people as they enter sixth form, further and/or higher education and ultimately, the world of work.

We are keen that the close partnership that exists between School, parents and students is one that is successful in arriving at the most appropriate and the very best outcomes, and therefore qualifications,  for each and every one of our learners at the end of Year 11.  Therefore we have some events planned to ensure that students and parents are fully informed of the nature, requirements and opportunities associated with the various courses on offer at Key Stage 4 and are guided with respect to the unique situation of each individual Year 9 student.

We strongly advise that you begin the options process by reading the Options Booklet linked below. There you will find details of all the support available to you, along with any key dates.

KS4 Options Choices 2025-2027

Options Presentation

HHS Year 9 Options Videos - YouTube

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