Examination Results

GCSE Results.

In 2023 and 2024 the Department for Education 'normalised' results to pre Covid norms, resulting in lower outcomes for all schools across the country.

Performance Measure 2022 2023 2024
Progress 8

Nationally Average


Nationally Average


Nationally Average


Attainment 8 52 49 47
Percentage of students gaining a grade 7 or above in English or Mathematics (previously A or A*) 14% 9% 11%
Percentage of students gaining a grade 5 or above in English or Mathematics  (the Strong Pass) 59% 47% 45%
Percentage of students gaining a grade 4 or above in English or Mathematics  (the Standard Pass) 76% 72% 71%
Percentage of students achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 28% 16% 20%
EBacc averge point score (new measure from 2024) - 4.23 4.24
Percentage of students entered for the EBacc   27% 37%
Gap between the progress of disadvantaged students and their peers 1/2 of a grade 1/2 of a grade 1/5 of a grade
Percentage of students going on to education, employment or training 98% 99% 99%


Breakdown of destinations data


Sixth Form

In 2023 and 2024 the Department for Education 'normalised' results to pre Covid norms, resulting in lower outcomes for all schools across the country.

In 2022 and 2023 the Department for Education has opted not to publish Value Added Progress data due to the COVID pandemic.  

Performance Measure 2022 2023 2024

Percentage of A Level grades at A*

10% 5% 7%

Percentage of A Level grades at A*-A

26% 19% 19%

Percentage of A Level grades at A*-B

61% 46% 39%
Percentage of A Level grades at A*-C n/k 73% 64%

Value Added Progress in A Levels

Not being published by the DfE

Not being published by the DfE Not yet published

Value Added Progress in Applied courses

Not being published by the DfE

Not being published by the DfE Not yet published

Average grade in A Levels (best three)

B- C+ C

Average grade in Applied Level 3 course

Merit= Merit+ Merit+

Students completing their main programme of study

99%   Not yet published

Students moving on to education, employment or training

99%   Not yet published

Percentage of students gaining university places at OxBridge, Russell Group or Sutton30 institutions

30% 31% 16%
Performance of students who re-sat English and/or mathematics GCSE N/A N/A N/A


You can compare this school to others, locally and nationally, by using the government service at this hyperlink:

DfE Performance Tables: the ‘Compare Schools’ service

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