The Hemel Hempstead School is an inclusive school and the Learning Support Faculty works in collaboration with other faculties in the school to offer support to students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

As a school we are committed to the belief that every child is an individual who brings something special to the school community.  All students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, and have the opportunity to meet their full potential.

The Learning Support Faculty is led by the SENCO, Ms Michele Lentes  We have a team of Teaching Assistants with training and experience of supporting students with a variety of needs such as Autism, Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties, Visual and Hearing Impairments, Down Syndrome and literacy difficulties. 

Admissions to The Hemel Hempstead School, including for students with education, health and care plans, disabilities and Looked after Children, are handled by the Local Education Authority.  A copy of our Admissions Policy can be found on the school website.  The Information Report below explains our approach to supporting students with SEND and how students access any additional help that they need.


The SENDCO can be contacted by emailing or phoning 01442 390 100 and asking to speak to the SENDCO.

SEND Information Report 2024

The Local Offer website lets parents and young people know what special education  needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.

Hertfordshire County Council Local Offer

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