The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"


To The Hemel Hempstead School
A successful and popular school which has served this community for nearly ninety years.
Weekly round-up. Volume up!
Fantastic leadership and teamwork on display today. You all did your school and trust proud. In 3rd place, Priory Academy. In 2nd place, The Hemel Hempstead School. Joint winners, Highfield and Robert Barclay Academy! #ACE #EsseQuamVideri #AuthenticLeadership #Year8 #FutureLeaders
Due to year 12 parents evening the school will be closed to all students from 2:30pm on Thursday
R4 Fridays! This afternoon Mr Hassell met with students who recieved an R4 for excellent achievement. These achievements include taking part in Herts county cross country, delivering our Holocaust memorial assemblies, and many more. A special shout out to Lucas who completed his French GCSE trial exam in year 8 achieving a grade 9! #essequamvideri
Mrs Latif is Excited to announce her new role in supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at HHS! She says “I’m looking forward to working with our amazing school community to celebrate and embrace our diverse cultures. Stay tuned for details on our upcoming International Cultural Day on the 4th of April! Are you interested as a parent or a business in helping make this a memorable event by running a food, art or music stall, etc . Please reach out to me, Uzma Latif at if you’re interested in getting involved!”
For children’s mental health week, the mental health prefects are fundraising for the charity Place2Be. They will be selling cookies and cans in the hall foyer at break and lunch on Friday 7th February. Card and cash payments will be accepted!! here is the link to the website for children’s mental health week to find out more or donate!
The Junior Production tonight, The Canterbury Tales #fabels #morals #innuendo #ChaucerIsntDead An absolutely fabulous performance from over 50 performers from Years 7 to 10, reworking The Pardoner's Tale, The Nun's Priest's Tale, The Knight's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Tale and The Miller's Tale. A small number of tickets still available for tomorrow night (Fri 31st).
It’s lights out and away we go! Over the past term our engineering club have been working hard on their remote control cars all leading up the inaugural Hemel Hempstead School Grand Prix! The grand prize was a trip to visit Aston Martin! Despite a 5 second penalty for what we will call an enthusiastic shove over the bridge Max Stanley Henry & Jack won overall with a time of 47 seconds. Isla Poppy & Lauren did an amazing job winning the best design as judged by Mr Hassell. We can’t wait to see what an amazing time you have and well done to every student who got involved. #aspire #thehhex #astonmartin #futureengineers
Congratulations Harshith, narrowly beaten in the Plate Final. A great performance for a Year 7; one to watch!

Our Houses

Our Houses are named after environmental leaders who are strivers, achievers and positive role models. Embodying the values and ethos of our school, they are an integral part of our school community.
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